Grey Ukraine Extra Granite Tiles

Density: 2730-2750 kg/m3
Frost Resistance: ~ 150 cycles
Water Absorption: 0,24-0,25%

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Grey Ukraine Extra granite tiles wholesale are a popular choice for both residential and commercial construction projects. This natural stone boasts a timeless beauty and durability that can withstand the test of time. Whether you're looking for flooring, countertops, or wall tiles, this are a great option to consider.

What is Grey Ukraine Extra Granite?

Grey Ukraine Extra granite is a natural stone quarried in Ukraine. It is a type of igneous rock formed from molten magma that has cooled and solidified over millions of years. The stone's unique mineral composition gives it a beautiful grey color with black and white flecks.

Advantages of this Tiles

  • Beauty: This tiles have a natural and timeless beauty that can enhance any space.
  • Durability: The tiles are highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic, scratches, and heat.
  • Versatility: Grey Ukraine Extra granite tiles from Manufacturer are available in various sizes and can be used for flooring, countertops, wall tiles, and more.
  • Low maintenance: The tiles are resistant to stains and water damage, making them easy to clean and maintain.
  • Resale value: The natural beauty and durability of this tiles can increase the value of your property.